Hi, I've recently upgraded my qpsmtpd to the most recent 0.83 release and hit a problem which had me stumped for a while. In short plugins failed to get loaded, so all incoming mail was refused with:
450 No plugin decided if relaying is allowed Tracking this down was tricky, but ultimately it seems the cause is the following section of Qpsmtpd.pm: -- sub load_plugins my @plugins = $self->config('plugins'); my @loaded; if ($hooks->{queue}) { print "Plugins loaded already\n"; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( \$hooks ); return @plugins; } -- Here we see the intent is to avoid loading plugins if they'd already been loaded - that is done by looking to see if at least one plugin has hooked queuing. I added the Data::Dumper section, and updated _load_plugin to log the loading of individual plugins: -- sub _load_plugin { my $self = shift; my ($plugin_line, @plugin_dirs) = @_; print "Load: $plugin_line\n"; -- When I launch qpsmtpd I see this: -- lenny:/etc/qpsmtpd# /usr/bin/perl -Tw /usr/bin/qpsmtpd-prefork --port 25 --user qpsmtpd --pid-file /var/run/qpsmtpd/qpsmtpd.pid --debug 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: qpsmtpd-prefork daemon, version: 1.0, staring on host: (user: qpsmtpd [0]) 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: parent daemon nice level: -5 Load: logging/ffile:0 loglevel LOGCRIT /var/log/qpsmtpd/terse.log Load: logging/terse Load: logging/ffile:1 loglevel LOGINFO /var/log/qpsmtpd/qpsmtpd.log Plugins loaded already $VAR1 = \{ 'logging' => [ { 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a0', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } }, { 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a1', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } } ], 'deny' => [ { 'name' => 'logging::terse', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } } ], 'queue' => [ { 'name' => 'logging::terse', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } } ], 'disconnect' => [ { 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a0', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } }, { 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a1', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } } ], 'connect' => [ { 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a0', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } }, { 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a1', 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" } } ] }; 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: new child, pid: 9060 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: new child, pid: 9061 -- In short because /etc/qpsmptd/logging contains "logterse" there is a hook_queue installed, and this tricks the server into believing that all the plugins are loaded even though only three plugins were loaded. That means none of my "real" plugins are loaded, just the logging ones and ultimately mail is refused for all recipients. Having looked over the gitweb changelog I see nothing obvious which could have caused this change in behaviour so I'm a little stumped as to who is to "blame". For the moment I've stopped using logterse and all is well. I think it might be nice to update the code to test loading in some other fashion - but first I thought I'd throw this out to see if theres a sane explanation for this failure case. Steve -- Debian GNU/Linux System Administration http://www.debian-administration.org/