Steve Kemp wrote:
> Hi,
>   I've recently upgraded my qpsmtpd to the most recent
>  0.83 release and hit a problem which had me stumped for
>  a while.  In short plugins failed to get loaded, so
>  all incoming mail was refused with:
>    450 No plugin decided if relaying is allowed

I've qpsmtpd 0.83 with logterse running without any problems

>   Tracking this down was tricky, but ultimately it seems
>  the cause is the following section of
> --
> sub load_plugins
>   my @plugins = $self->config('plugins');
>   my @loaded;
>   if ($hooks->{queue}) {
> print "Plugins loaded already\n";
> use Data::Dumper;
> print Dumper( \$hooks );
>     return @plugins;
>   }
> --
>   Here we see the intent is to avoid loading plugins if they'd
>  already been loaded - that is done by looking to see if at
>  least one plugin has hooked queuing.
>   I added the Data::Dumper section, and updated _load_plugin to
>  log the loading of individual plugins:
> --
> sub _load_plugin {
>   my $self = shift;
>   my ($plugin_line, @plugin_dirs) = @_;
> print "Load: $plugin_line\n";
> --
>   When I launch qpsmtpd I see this:
> --
> lenny:/etc/qpsmtpd# /usr/bin/perl -Tw /usr/bin/qpsmtpd-prefork --port 25 
> --user qpsmtpd --pid-file /var/run/qpsmtpd/  --debug
> 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: qpsmtpd-prefork daemon, version: 1.0, staring on 
> host: (user: qpsmtpd [0])
> 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: parent daemon nice level: -5
> Load: logging/ffile:0 loglevel LOGCRIT /var/log/qpsmtpd/terse.log
> Load: logging/terse
> Load: logging/ffile:1 loglevel LOGINFO /var/log/qpsmtpd/qpsmtpd.log
> Plugins loaded already
> $VAR1 = \{
>             'logging' => [
>                            {
>                              'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a0',
>                              'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                            },
>                            {
>                              'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a1',
>                              'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                            }
>                          ],
>             'deny' => [
>                         {
>                           'name' => 'logging::terse',
>                           'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                         }
>                       ],
>             'queue' => [
>                          {
>                            'name' => 'logging::terse',
>                            'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                          }
>                        ],
>             'disconnect' => [
>                               {
>                                 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a0',
>                                 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                               },
>                               {
>                                 'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a1',
>                                 'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                               }
>                             ],
>             'connect' => [
>                            {
>                              'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a0',
>                              'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                            },
>                            {
>                              'name' => 'logging::ffile_3a1',
>                              'code' => sub { "DUMMY" }
>                            }
>                          ]
>           };
> 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: new child, pid: 9060
> 26/10/2009 13:20:23:9059: new child, pid: 9061
> --
>   In short because /etc/qpsmptd/logging contains "logterse" there

/etc/qpsmtpd/logging should contain something like "logging/warn 9"
rather than logterse.

Synopsis from logterse plugin:

"This plugin is not a logging replacement, but rather an adjunct to the
      normal logging plugins or builtin logging functionality.  Specify
it in  config/plugins not config/logging or you'll get "interesting"

>  is a hook_queue installed, and this tricks the server into believing
>  that all the plugins are loaded even though only three plugins were
>  loaded.  That means none of my "real" plugins are loaded, just the
>  logging ones and ultimately mail is refused for all recipients.
>   Having looked over the gitweb changelog I see nothing obvious
>  which could have caused this change in behaviour so I'm a little
>  stumped as to who is to "blame".
>   For the moment I've stopped using logterse and all is well.
>   I think it might be nice to update the code to test loading
>  in some other fashion - but first I thought I'd throw this out
>  to see if theres a sane explanation for this failure case.
> Steve
> --
> Debian GNU/Linux System Administration


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