> I thought about a module which learns from the plugin dnsbl.
> Maybe we call it check_known_dnsbl_spammer ;-) and use the module
> http://search.cpan.org/~robm/Cache-FastMmap-1.39/lib/Cache/FastMmap.pm

Hi Aleks,

We discussed doing this once at my organization and someone astutely
pointed out that considering that this is DNS, the better solution would
really be to run a local caching DNS server, e.g. bind9 and point
resolv.conf to with forwarders to your ISP's nameservers.  Well,
what they actually pointed out was that since we already do this
everywhere, we're already getting in-memory caching that's designed
expressly for DNS results, for free :)

running a local caching DNS server is basically a good idea anyway, and
obsoletes the need for caching DNS results in any particular software.


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