On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, David Nicol wrote:

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Matt Sergeant <m...@sergeant.org> wrote:
However I'm unlikely to maintain much on Qpsmtpd now that Haraka has taken


how about a plugin adapter, so Haraka can use Qpsmtpd plugins or v/v?
That probably implies
either a node.js <--> perl integration layer, a V8 <--> perl
integration layer, or use of
a more arm's-length plugin architecture (like sendmail's Milter)
around both parts.

Haraka ships with both smtp_forward and smtp_proxy plugins (with tradeoffs for each), so there's no reason you wouldn't just run both, if you needed qpsmtpd plugins too.


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