Andre Poenitz schrieb:
> On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 06:13:37PM +0100, Danny Price wrote:
>> The frustrating thing about this situation is that it seems relatively  
>> simple to fix without compromising the locator system or changing any  
>> QMake or Creator fundamentals - a second file containing file groups  
>> is one solution.
> *gosh*
> If it is that easy, why don't you simply implement it and submit a merge
> request? This would save time on both sides.
This seams to be a discussion with frustrated people on both sides - 
users and developers.
I personally agree with Danny. Maybe it is not that simple, and I could 
not implement a patch either,
but if there was a single note from the developer team that they are 
going to implement this and where it is placed
on the roadmap that could end the discussion and give people like me the 
option to switch to qtcreator after this
has been implemented.

I am not using 1000 files, but something like 200 classes and 500 files 
with about 30 'filters' in Visual Studio
in my biggest project (simulation and device control  for my phd).


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