On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Ken Ray <k...@ishere.com> wrote:
> I tried qt-interest and not much of a response. Note that this test app I'm 
> trying to build is just like the fontsampler demo that comes with creator/QT. 
>  I'm trying to duplicate the dockwidget on the left. How did fontsampler get 
> around this problem ?   It seems to me that if Creator can't hold a layout 
> for more than a few clicks there is a serious flaw. It makes working with all 
> the contents related to that dockwidget a pain in the ass.
> I'm going to go play with Mono now to see how there stuff is .
> I want some cross platform development that is stable. but if none is stable 
> , then I guess it's back to VS .net ..

Mono is pretty gimped, sadly. Most of the "good" .NET stuff is
Microsoft-only junk that's only available on Windows. Even Java would
be preferable to .NET if you want cross-platform compatibility.

You happened to hit on the one thing I don't like about Qt: dock
widgets. I've never had a lot of luck with them, and when I do use
them I develop with code, not Designer. There's several things that
they don't do quite right. But don't let that one widget turn you off
to the toolkit as a whole. Qt's very stable and very robust, and it's
the best toolkit available for writing apps that look native on all
supported platforms.

Consider possibly using some other solution if dock widgets in
Designer aren't working for you. Maybe construct the dock widgets in
code, or maybe use some non-docking solution.

/s/ Adam

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