Thank you for the reply. I will file a report on the few issues which
were not a misunderstanding of my own.

Regarding #4, whitespace:

>> 4) The option [Text Editor --> Behavior --> Clean Whitespace] is very
>> useful, but it should not clean the whitespace of the currently active
>> line of text. I often save with CTRL+S, and when I do this, the
>> indentation of my current line (If otherwise blank) is lost. This can
>> be annoying when saving a lot right before adding a new line.
> How could it be possible to know if you intend to continue typing or not?
> If you are annoyed by that, perhaps doing it explicitly "Clean Whitespace" 
> instead of the automatic cleaning on save works out for you.
> Either invoke it from the Menu (Edit->Advanced->Clean Whitespace),
> or assign a keyboard shortcut of your liking to it 
> (Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard, type "Clean Whitespace" as a filter 
> for the list, assign a shortcut), and use that.

What I had in mind was "Clean whitespace unless it is to the left of
the keyboard cursor."
This way, unnecessary whitespace would be removed, but it would not
require manual re-indentation of the current line of code every time
it's saved.
The remaining extra whitespace on that line, if any, could be cleaned
up when the user presses <enter>.

Best regards,
--Charles N. Burns
Qt-creator mailing list

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