On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Andre Poenitz <
andre.poen...@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:

> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:33:31AM +0100, Jack Wootton wrote:
> > I'm having problems getting Qt Debugger libraries to build.
> >
> > Environment
> > -----------------
> > Creator 2.0 built from source
> > Qt 4.7 built from source
> > Windows XP
> > Nokia N97 SDK
> > I have %epocroot% set to \
> > Creator is run from the command line at C:\git\creator2.0\bin
> You do not need the compiled debugging helpers for neither Symbian
> nor Windows/MinGW deverlopment. They have been replaced by Python
> scripts that do not need compilation.

The problem I'm facing is that Creator "Projects > Build Settings  >Qt
Version" isn't listing all the Qt installations listed under "Tools >
Options > Qt4".

The "Projects" tab within Creator allows general "Build Settings" to be set.
One such setting is the Qt Version to use when building.  The only Qt
Versions listed are Qt installations where the helper library is built. At
least it seems that way.

I didn't know that Creator used devices.xml to "auto-detect" SDKs.  I
thought it really was auto-detecting them.  I have changed devices.xml to
use the the subst drive rather than the full path of the actual loation.  I
know have a different error message which I think is reated to the compiler
and not Qt.

> However, there's another problem:
> > Problem
> > -------------
> > In the Tools > Options > Qt4 window of Creator, varous Qt versions are
> > listed split into two categories 1) Auto-detected, 2) Manual
> > Under Auto-detected Creator has found "Nokia_N97_v1.0(Qt 4.7)". This is
> > accurate since I have installed the Nokia N97 SDK and subst it to a drive
> V:
> > such that the epoc32 is V:\epoc32
> > I have also created V:\git\qt, where the src for QT 4.7 lives.  Creator
> > seems to have detected all of this fine.
> >
> > SDK installed to D:\Nokia\, so that the epocroot is
> > D:\Nokia\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\epoc32
> > The SDK is subst to V:\, so that the epocroot is V:\epoc32
> > Qt src lives (and is built from) V:\git\qt
> The Symbian toolchain pretty much relies on everything being on the same
> drive. There are some exception, but as a rule of thumb you should avoid
> this kind of setup.
> > If ayone has any advice on what I can do to resolve the problem, it
> > would be very helpful.
> Try to re-install everything to the same drive.

Everything is on one drive.  The SDK and At 4.7 both exist on the subst
drive V.  Creator auto-detects the SDK under the "S60 SDKs" as being on V.
I guess the confiusion is becuase devices.xml listed the epocroot as
D:\Nokia\Nokia_N97_SDK_v1.0\ and not V:\. Smae with epoctools.

> Andre'
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