On May 11, 2010, at 10:46 AM, ext Jack Wootton wrote:

> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Andre Poenitz 
> <andre.poen...@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:33:31AM +0100, Jack Wootton wrote:
> > I'm having problems getting Qt Debugger libraries to build.
> >
> > Environment
> > -----------------
> > Creator 2.0 built from source
> > Qt 4.7 built from source
> > Windows XP
> > Nokia N97 SDK
> > I have %epocroot% set to \
> > Creator is run from the command line at C:\git\creator2.0\bin
> You do not need the compiled debugging helpers for neither Symbian
> nor Windows/MinGW deverlopment. They have been replaced by Python
> scripts that do not need compilation.
> The problem I'm facing is that Creator "Projects > Build Settings  >Qt 
> Version" isn't listing all the Qt installations listed under "Tools > Options 
> > Qt4".  
> The "Projects" tab within Creator allows general "Build Settings" to be set. 
> One such setting is the Qt Version to use when building.  The only Qt 
> Versions listed are Qt installations where the helper library is built. At 
> least it seems that way.

It lists the Qt Versions that match the Target architecture of the target you 
have selected (probably "Desktop" ?).
If you have Qt Versions installed (and known to Qt Creator) that make it 
possible to develop for multiple targets, your Projects mode should have tabs 
"Targets", "Editor Settings" and "Dependencies".
Similar to 
If you want to compile for a different target than shown in the tabs on the 
"Targets" page, e.g. Symbian devices, you need to add a target (press + next to 
the "Desktop" tab).

> I didn't know that Creator used devices.xml to "auto-detect" SDKs.  I thought 
> it really was auto-detecting them.

Define "really auto-detecting" :)

Eike Ziller
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

Nokia gate5 GmbH
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