On 30.07.2010 10:57, ext Danny Price wrote:
> TextMate is a very heavy-weight product. Ideally this Creator 'Lite'
> would just be a text editor with syntax highlighting (it doesn't really
> need auto-completion).

Arent there lots of lightwight text editors with syntax highlighting 
available already? Why add another one? To me creator shines since it 
understands the code I write. So some simple regular expression based 
syntax highlighting is not enough.

Of course you can just take the C++ engine build into creator (just 
include cplusplus.pri into your project, it is meant to be reusable) and 
build a more light weight editor. Of course for the engine to work 
properly you need to provide it with information like which other files 
are there, where to look for files to include, etc. ... basically all 
the stuff that makes a project:-)

> Most importantly, it must launch really fast. The
> recent releases of Creator have started to become rather sluggish on
> startup; VisualStudio 2008 actually launches faster on my machine now
> than Creator which isn't good.

Where does it take so much time? It feels pretty fast for me (less that 
3s). I did have trouble with sluggish startup for a while on windows 
though. Turned out that my proxy setup in windows was to blame. Windows 
insisted on figuring out by waiting for a timeout that I do not need a 
proxy (automatic proxy configuration)... and it insisted on blocking 
while doing this:-/

Tobias Hunger
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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