On 08/30/2010 02:46 AM, Christian Kamm wrote:
> On Monday 30 August 2010 00:02:10 ext dhk wrote:
>> I still haven't gotten this to build without the QSystemInfo error.  Is
>> there anything special I have to do when installing the software?  Do I
>> need to uninstall the 1.n version?  Something is terrible wrong.
>> I'm on a Gentoo amd64 box and I installed the Nokia package and the sdk
>> a few times and an ordinary user (not root).  I'm trying to do the
>> battery indicator tutorial and the quickstart and both have the same
>> error.  Eventually I will be trying to get this on a Microsoft CE arm
>> device.
>> I've grep'ed for QSystemInfo over my entire system and it doesn't appear
>> to exist.
> Please check for these files in your Nokia Qt SDK installation directory:
> Simulator/QtMobility/gcc/include/QtSystemInfo
> Simulator/QtMobility/gcc/lib/libQtSystemInfo.so
> Simulator/Qt/gcc/mkspecs/mobility.prf
> Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmake
> If one or more of them are missing, your installation of the Simulator Qt 
> target is broken. 
> The installer should have registered this Qt version with Creator, double 
> check that in Tools->Options->Qt4. Make sure you're using the Qt Simulator 
> target with this Qt version for building the tutorial. 
> If the files are missing or building still fails, please create a bug report 
> against the Nokia Qt SDK installer on http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ .
> Regards,
> Christian

Thanks for the tips.  It appear to be an environment problem.  I got
better results using the -I and after reading the qmake
tutorial/documentation.  However, it still doesn't link.

Since I installed this as a user and not root I'm want to uninstall the
Nokia Qt SDK and install it as root.  To do the uninstall can I just
delete the ~/Nokia directory or is the install spread out over other
directories in my home directory?

After a standard install as root I'll start over again and see how it goes.


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