This is  very worthwhile input, sorry to sound like I'm fobbing you off 
elsewhere, but it would be excellent if you could turn this into a 
suggestion task over at


On 09/17/2010 07:10 AM, ext Matthias Pospiech wrote:
>    I would like to share my experience in a workshop I have given lately.
> It was about c++ and a basic introduction of classes. It had nothing to
> do with Qt, though
> I used it in one example for plotting a function, and I created all
> example projects with QtCreator.
> No student taking the course (3 hours in one day) had any C++
> environment installed, so I gave the latest windows sdk and the
> QtCreator 2.0.1
> installation around. Unfortunately neither of the programs put any path
> into the PATH (why ?) . That meant that we had to add a Qt environment
> in Creator. Aport from being very confusing for all students none of
> them understood which path to add. I had displayed my path on the projector,
> but nevertheless most of the got it wrong.
> Then we started writing code. However in most cases Creator did not
> compile anything but instead printed a mesage about make not found or
> similar.
> We first thougth that the path would be wrong, but that was not the
> problem. Instead nothing was set up wrong. We had to restart QtCreator
> to get it working.
> The third error was that in my example for all students the project
> could not link the project relative path libraries. Why ? Because of
> shadow builds. So no student including me understood the usage of shadow
> builds because they just break your project from compilation.
> Once everything worked they were happy with it.
> So could these basic first-set-up procedure be improved?
> Matthias
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Bill King, Software Engineer
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