Small advice: PNG + the BorderImage QML element are your best friends ;)

I'm building good-looking UIs using this tandem and works good and fast.
Of course, the designer has to understand the BorderImage Element qualities
and limits, but it shouldn't take much.

On 13 July 2010 01:40, <> wrote:

> > Is there any way to  integrate SVGs  with QML, in that you can bridge
> > into the artwork via id or object name and thus use SVG as templates and
> > artwork?
> The only support for SVG in QML is that it will load a static SVG image
> (rendering it once unless you modify the Image sourceSize dynamically).
> The reason for this is that SVG is far too slow on devices, at least as
> currently bound in Qt (it goes via QPainter, for example).
> For example, an SVG consisting of just 3 ellipses is more than 10 times
> slower to render than painting a pixmap. We can't see that it is reasonable
> to trade such performance penalty for any visual appeal that SVG could bring
> over static pixmaps.
> It seems that SVG is fine as a source image format, but not really
> practical on devices as the runtime format.
> > A  slightly easier, but not as awesome step would have a XML->QML
> > converter...
> > Are there any plans along these lines?
> None that I'm aware of.
> --
> Warwick
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 Ivan De Marino | Software Engineer | France Telecom R&D UK - Orange Labs
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