We handle mouse release in our tests without any problem.  Are you able to 
provide a runable example?


From: Wangbing Kevin (Nokia-MS/Beijing)
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2010 2:19 PM
To: Jones Martin (Nokia-MS-Qt/Brisbane); qt-qml@trolltech.com
Subject: RE: How to simulate mouse event

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your great suggestion!
The most mouse events can be simulated successfully except 
GraphicsSceneMouseRelease event.
The onReleased handler still cannot be triggered.

What's the matter?
Hope you or others can help me again, thank you!

Kevin Wang

From: Jones Martin (Nokia-MS-Qt/Brisbane)
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 7:58 AM
To: Wangbing Kevin (Nokia-MS/Beijing); qt-qml@trolltech.com
Subject: RE: How to simulate mouse event

We do this in the MouseArea autotests:

    QGraphicsScene *scene = canvas->scene();
    QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent pressEvent(QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress);
    pressEvent.setScenePos(QPointF(100, 100));
    QApplication::sendEvent(scene, &pressEvent);

Keep in mind that the position set above is in scene coordinates.


From: qt-qml-boun...@trolltech.com [mailto:qt-qml-boun...@trolltech.com] On 
Behalf Of Wangbing Kevin (Nokia-MS/Beijing)
Sent: Monday, 13 December 2010 7:46 PM
To: qt-qml@trolltech.com
Subject: [Qt-qml] How to simulate mouse event


I'm a freshman on qml plug-in development.
I want to simulate key and mouse events for testing my qml script automatically.
Now, I can simulate the key event successfully by 
"item->scene()->sendEvent(item, &keyEvent);"

But it cannot work when I call "item->scene()->sendEvent(item, &mouseEvent);" 
to simulate mouse event.
I've tried another way "QApplication::sendEvent(view, &mouseEvent);", but it 
still cannot work.
The return value is always false.

My qml script is follow, it can output log when I click actual mouse key.
Rectangle {
   id: container

MouseArea {

       id: mouseArea

       anchors.fill: parent

       onClicked: {

           mouse.accepted  = true;

           console.log("Mouse Clicked! key: " + mouse.button + " | keys: " + 


Do you have any suggestion?

Best Regards,

Kevin Wang
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