Hi Tony,
Everyone must be working or playing to hard to spend much time on-line.  I know I am. :)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28+ Years Post
Texas, USA


Heyyyyy listers.....WOW, i'm shocked at how quiet it is on here!!  Is everybody just suffering in silence, or is life so beautiful nutin to biatch about??? ; )

Ok, here's my rundown here in hurricane-land...First, let me say this last hurricane was the most devestating of any i've seem.  And i just said that 4 weeks ago with Charlie.  My evacuation plan was to go to "special needs" shelter with an air-mattress...i didn't have to thank my stars, but i read about a "...needs" shelter up in Pensacola that it sounded like HELL...no food, no power, no phone, roof blew off, thousands crowded in a gymn and no one could leave.  T! his is prob STILL going on...what do the quads do???  It doesn't sound like a quad could survive in there....

Change of subject:  I saw two documentries this weekend.  One "Dear America" was letters from Vietnam with real footage.  Wow, very moving, incredibly insightful....you want to really know the definition of WAR????  Then please see this movie...

Too quiet on here, let's start a holy war...; ))


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