In a message dated 06/10/2004 16:37:41 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Tony, I guess it is different for everyone but I never had any feelings that something might be wrong.  I had gone about 4 or 5 years without going to the Urologist and just figured it was time.  He found them by accident because the hospital could not find the x-rays, however, he showed me later where they were on the x-rays.  Your Urologist could just take x-rays and be able to tell if you have anything growing!  I also did some research on bladder stones and discovered that 95% of all bladder stones are found in men.  The ones I had were way to big to pass.  I drink lots of water so I don't think that effects it.  They are formed from acids and chemicals in the body.  Excess Vitamin C is probably my problem because I take 2000mg per day.  It was suppose to help purify the urine and help prevent UTI's!  Ha! Which is worse.....UTI's????   Bladder stones????
I have to admit generally speaking I always have a "feeling" that something isn't quite as it should be.  It's annoying sometimes because the doctors dis me (and in a way I can understand why they would!) and then it just makes me worried until they check it out, and the majority of the time I'm right which is a huge relief for me!!
Love Smurf xxx

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