Wasn't this the biggest turn out in history for voting?  I'm pretty sure I saw that one one the news. I could be wrong but it was something like 60 or 61 percent and in the past it was below 50%.  I am not sure exactly on the numbers, but I am pretty confident in saying that this was the biggest turn out so yea, ok Bush had more people vote for him than anyone else in history.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Lubin
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election

Oh Tod, with a few minutes of research, I am happy to report that dubious honor goes to Bill Clinton in 1992.

William J. Clinton - 44,909,889
George H. Bush - 39,104,545
H. Ross Perot - 19,742,267
Votes against Clinton 58,846,812

2004 (Updated 11/5/2004 7:10 AM)
George W Bush - 59,645,158 (and still counting)
John F Kerry - 56,149,771

More people voted against Clinton than voted For Kerry!

At 07:49 PM 11/5/2004, Tod E. Santee wrote:
On the flip side, given the turnout, Bush had more people vote against him than any other candidate in the history of the US.  <-- It's all in how you look at it.

And, given that huge turnout resulted in a 51-49% divide, one would be hard pressed to find anyone who could honestly call that a "Mandate" for the Christian or traditional or moral values Mr. Bush holds dear.  Everyone believe their values are moral.  That's why they value them.

(Political Capital my A$$... He'll spend something... that's fer shur)


(Electors cast their votes in Dec. -- Some Rep. electors are now undecided and pissed at Bush!)

Jim Lubin wrote:
>Bush won the election by the largest number of
>votes in the history of the country.

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