From: "dave headman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [QUAD-L] election
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 16:38:22 -0500

4 more years of the same bullshit. the revernd g w bush will start by
appointing the most right wing religious nut job to replace that old fart
that's about to die on the supreme court. rolling back the clock 200yrs.
if anybody thinks he will reach out to those who didn't vote for him,
or don't believe the way he does you're sorely mistaken.
remember he lost last time? not one ounce of
humility, compromise, this was before 9/11. many still think he was appointed
by god himself. i'm sure pat robertson is comming in his pants!

g.w. cares nothing about those who aren't "born again".
if anybody knows anything about evangalicals, they think unless you are
"born again" you are going to hell (this includes his own parents).
some of these mentaly ill folks are also
"end timers", these are people that think jesus is coming sooner than later.
when he shows up he will scoop up the "born agains" and destroy the rest of
the earth. (read revalations) ergo they don't care about anything long term
(enviornment defecit forgein relations etc.) w makes no bones about his being
born again, but i've never seen anyone call him on being end timer. looking at
his disregard of the future of this country/planet i'm gonna place my bets on
that he is. i just hope he stays away from the nukes. i'm sure someone is going
to suggest that if he launches a missle strike, he will hasten the second comming
of the j -man so everyone put on your bibs and be prepared to be force fed a right wing,
big buffet of morals and self rightious ingdednation for 4yrs straight, weather you
like or not. i wish i could move to australia, they seem sane down there.

dave headman
c4 25yrs post

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