I could have sworn "River" was a male on this list.  Maybe I'm losing it!
Anyway ... if I'm not sitting correctly (up straight enough) or am on a cushion that I just can't sit right on ... my knees too separate and I like my knees together.  Or I feel slouched and spread .. LOL
New chair?  Get this straightened out with those who fitted you for the chair (or the vendor) before you can't find a solution.
A slew of pics of me are on our site.  I'm sitting in a bucket-seat style chair with no
extra cushion.
Recently I tried out Roho cushions and I just can NOT sit on them right.  I got a "Varilite" cushion 2 months ago.  If I don't get back far enough on IT ... my knees spread.
All abt positioning for me.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 12/02/04 08:35:41
To: quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad Women
Hi everyone,
I'm really enjoying my power chair but I have a problem.  My seating
position is less than "lady-like"  ie: my knees are as far apart as
possible in the sitting position.  The chair fits me well, but there
aren't any side guards like in my manual chair.  I think these guards
help keep my legs together.  I feel really uncomfortable sitting like
this, any suggestions?
My brother uses a bungee cord to keep his knees together when playing
quad-rugby, I really don't want to resort to that ;-)

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