I'm talking about those whose whole body and "mind" are dependent on umpteen hospital life-support machines.  THEY tell her how much to eat, WHAT to eat ... no decisions made on her part.
She's very much like a plant (like I said in another email).  She's watered, fed and google-eyed over.  That's for the OWNER'S benefit ... not the plant.  In nature plants live and die according to the laws of nature (or God if ya like).
Go out and save as many plants  as you can IN THE WHOLE WORLD today ... they don't really "want" to die do they?
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/28/05 11:46:29
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Playing God
Man there's a lot of quads on this list that are on "artificial" life support like a ventilator that would not make it if you took them off so what are you trying to say?
This is where the problem begins.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/28/05 12:30:53
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] Playing God
 Seems like everyone wants to play God in Terri's situation.  And play God here on the list by stating what and why and where and when
 Terri should live (or not live).
By taking her off artificial life support ... the situation now truly IS in God's hands.  If she's meant to stay ... she'll come around and survive to tell about it.  If she's meant to go ... God will take her when it's time.
It's an argument by using the Gods of science to keep her living or the God of religion to do as he/she/it sees fit or just plain fate.  The latter we've all discussed before with our own injuries.
Terri is being a puppet and the puppet masters are pulling the strings (playing God).
I'm not a God but, if there be one, it's in his hands according to your reply :-)
-------Original Message-------
I'm a parent and once a parent always a parent.  I would want to live as long
as God allowed and not a jif longer.
Hope that answered your question.  If not, I'll make up one.... next time.

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