My point is have some compassion and that's it, I don't have a magic wand and btw we don't live in Indonesia so I doubt we had an emergency plan there either.
But a plan is a good idea.
-------Original Message-------
From: Your Name
Date: 09/01/05 20:21:03
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello
You got a magic wand?
Life isn't instant.
Look how long it took aid to get INTO Indonesia.
Roads are blocked and flooded.
Bridges are out, and wacko's are shooting at rescue chopters.
> Tell that to the people that died waiting on medical help.
> Mark
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Jim Lubin
> Date: 09/01/05 18:53:50
> To: Tim Syfert;
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello
> At 03:51 PM 9/1/2005, Tim Syfert wrote:
> Yes, 4 days and ONLY 4 days. I can't figure out why people think 4
> equals 40 days.
> Because this is America, where people get impatient waiting seconds
for a
> microwave to heat their heat their drinks. Nothing ever happens fast
> for some people.

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