well, that's cute BUT - looking at the medical advances - even the industrial revolution jumping us from the middle ages to a very advanced society speaks differently.  i AM curious at parts of the world that continue to live in the stone age though.  they don't have to figure out HOW to better their status - all they need to do is get up and follow directions.  if the starving people can't drill water wells - with help of course - and learn to grow crops and support themselves, what exactly is the problem?  being tied to crappy parts of the earth that can't support life is a nice homey concept but if phoenix suddenly turned into a place that couldn't sustain life - i'd move.  i'd camp out, i'd carry groceries., i'd pick fruit, i'd GROW fruit, i'd shovel manure - but i would do what it takes to survive.if i fould i had chosen a place that was dangerous or hit by lightning often, i'd move again.  i'd preserv! e my family by legal means.  i would NOT depend on taking food from you to keep myself alive.  if i did get hit by lightning, i'd appreciate any help to get out of there and find a new life but i would definately move.  i know 'that's easy for me to say'.  yes it is, i did just that 30 years ago to get out of mighigan where it freezes and i would do it again in a minute if my home was destroyed and in regular danger of distruction by anything.

Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Men have never fully used [their] powers to advance the good in life, because they have waited upon some power external to themselves and to nature to do the work they are responsible for doing."
--- John Dewey
-------Original Message-------
Date: 09/03/05 14:39:22
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello
no it's not because they made a mistake that they don't deserve compassion, it's because they PREFER to live lives of lazy 'you owe me a living', sit on their asses, expect to be given something by the evil government, and steal whatever they want because life has cheated them that they don't deserve much compassion.  they made concious choices to be leeches of society rather than make any attempt to better themselves.  lazy leeches aren't deserving of much compassion especially while they take joy in shooting their own feet off on public tv all the while blaming you and me for their past and current situations.  we saw the same thing in l.a. when the cops got off for beating rodney king. "you owe me", self destructive mentality because they refuse to take responsibility for their lives.

QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So you saying some people don't deserve our compassion because they made a freakin mistake?
And who are those?
Go ahead and tell me who they are since you know they're exact situation because I don't think you know anything about what really happened there unless you were there.
Was that clear?
And tell me what part of the planet isn't vurnerable to a major disaster?
Mother nature is everywhere Stunt.
-------Original Message-------
From: Your Name
Date: 09/02/05 20:47:53
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello
OK, lack of clarity.
Compassion for those deserving of it has not been compromised by any of
the posts I've read here, so you leave me wondering???
I personaly wouldn't live below sea level even if I wasn't in a
I feel more for those who lived in the areas other than New Orleans
which were wiped out.
Common sense tells you not to live in hurricane alley below sea level.
> No didn't say anything about the government.
> Mark

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