i hear you W.  yes we will be seeing lots of human nature in the future - both good AND bad.  it's just frustrating to deal with people who prefer not to hear all sides of a story.  the ostrich approach is pleasant for the ostrich but hardly realistic or useful in real life.  dave

Before this is all over with, in the next 5-10 years.... you and I are going
hear a lot, and read about a lot more crazy stories of both the bright side
the dark side of almost every issue.
Today in LA, California is a good example of hearsay gone wrong. Power Grid
Interruption. Word out- TERRORIST. I heard several more stories before the
facts were made present.

In a message dated 9/12/05 6:22:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< these aren't MY stories and i'm not THINKING like the authors, and they
aren't the only stories i see, they are just INTERESTING stories. you sure jump
to a lot of conclusions about people. would you rather NOT see the dark side
of our brethren? then delete my posts BEFORE you jump to the wrong
conclusions. open your mind a little. >>

Dave - C3,  1967, Phoenix AZ

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