I've had a simular situation. 2 days ago, I got shivers and fever between 100 and 102. It lasted abt 12 hrs. Any ideas?

Jeremy Dickinson
Yahoo: jkdclick

Greg wrote:

I've been having a terrible time sleeping. I'm either too hot or too cold.
I wake-up shivering cold, I even took my temp, it was 95.7.
But then I pull the covers up high and wake-up with my arms hurting and just baking hot.
It's always either or.
I'd think it a fever like thing, but I do not get high temps when I'm super hot. Only low temps when I'm freezing cold. No bladder infections. This happens on and off all through the year. When I wake up hot, it's because the pain or discomfort in my arms is what wakes me. Anyone else get this pain when they feel too hot at night? I never get this feeling in my arms when I'm over heated in the daytime.

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