No you are  thinking of needing glasses - the going blind thing.  SCI is definitely related to "Mach II, hair on fire", 10 feet tall and bullet proof - and of course the, "that won't happen to me" mentality we all had at 19 ( yes I was 19 as well.)  I did some pretty silly things with my bullet proof body in my teen years.  My mom said to me, "You're lucky you broke your neck the way you were going, most of that crap should have killed you.  Now you can slow down and live life a little like normal folk."  I wasn't too crazy about hearing that, especially from mom but you know what?  She was right.  I have slowed down a lot although I still do some bullet proof things but just at a quad-level reference.   Going out without a cell phone, going out in snowy weather, transferring in a dangerous place w/o help around, driving home after cocktails.....  the list goes on.  I'm here to live, not exist.  If I die, I die.  I'll save you all a place at the party.
In a message dated 6/7/2006 2:11:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Is that caused my accident?  Here I thought it was excessive masturbation. 


kaye allard wrote:
OH...don't get me started!  After my accident, the deacon at our church told a friend of mine that I was injured in a car accident because of PREMARITAL SEX!  People want to find reasons for accidents because creates distance and it helps them feel like it's less likely to happen to them.  Idiots.

On 6/7/06, RollinOn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's pretty damn sorry thing to say, next time someone says something to that nature have your Mom say "So true, so what happened to you that turned you into a roaring" awww priceless.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/06/06 18:38:37
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] About life and length of time as a quad
My Mom told her boss at work what happened to me and she had the nerve to say that some people just bring things upon themselves.  What the hell did I do?  She doesn't even know me.  My Mom just asked her what does she think I did to deserve what I've been through.
  When I tell people who ask me "how did you have your accident"? "that I was on a motorcycle learning to do jumps" they say things like "Well you asked for it"
  I think that even quads among us have a "thing" for people who become a quad by their own doing and other's who had a "true" accident.
  Do you know what I mean everybody?

Dave c3-inc-1967

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