not happy person huh?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:    I know the answer to this one! CMS has never done 
anything right. If you got what you neded in a timely mannor it was pure luck. 
CMS has nothing in their charter that requires they do anything right, or 
  The only thing that has to happen is political friends get wealthy. Oil 
companies, drug companies, Military arms suppliers must be rolling in money so 
they in turn donate preposterous sums to politicians. The reason the IRS does 
taxes for each and every federal politician is so the dummy claims his bribes 
and doesn't get in trouble. Did anyone notice that oil companies didn't have 
winfall profits untill they took away the tax on winfall profits. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 15 May 2007 4:47 PM

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} long has CMS had to get it right?
  Eric W Rudd
  -----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:10 PM

    Most will be very surprised and disappointed with CMS new procedures to 
prevent fraud.  CMS has created 5 groups of acceptable electric wheelchairs.  A 
new chairs have to be designed, engineered and manufactured around these new 5 
groups.  Competitive bidding, in 10 areas of this country.  If you are a local 
DME and you try to quote higher than the competitive high.... you lose.  This 
will add to the time of getting a new chair from beginning to receipt.  As I 
said, its not very pretty.
  In a message dated 5/15/2007 1:21:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
    Invacare seems to have some good designs but then its like before we can 
have there chair, a bean counter reduces quality of parts and downsizes the 
batteries. Mine has enough clearance to hold two very large batteries yet it 
has two tiny batteries and to reduce power and life even more the chair comes 
with gell cels that only put out 50 amps. (100 combined). The motors are also 
downgraded from whats available. I've had luck with the DME. They come ASAP and 
do their best to fix everything as fast as posible. I'm glad we have any choice 
at all. Medicare is trying to get us all to ride in Jazzys. This is the 
wheelchair version of a barbi car.
  John Smith

  ----- Original Message ----


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