I'm sure that its the paperwork more than the battery.  They  have to do the 
extra paperwork to return the wrong battery and receive  credit.  Then 
re-order the proper battery and wait for the delivery.   Because of past 
Medicare/Medicaid fraud, the paperwork must be  perfect.
Hope you get your batteries faster... and they are the correct  ones.
In a message dated 5/9/2007 6:28:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I know I ordered my wheelchair battery a month ago and they sent the  wrong 
one and I'll have to wait another month.  It is insane.
Why does  it take that long? I don't understand why they can't keep parts on  
what did they expect us to do while we are waiting.  I am lucky  my brother 
gerirrigted my charger to work or I would be going nowhere  .


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