My heart goes out to you.  I thought I was having bad luck until I read your
recent encounters.  I am also having bowel problems that I believe are the
result of overzealous antibiotic treatment.  I had two lesions which opened
up on my chest for no apparent reason and my doctor thought it was a
bacterial infection.  I went on a pretty basic antibiotic and this caused
severe problems with my bowels.  It has been around three months I am still
having difficulties getting back to normal.

Silas and John are right on target with the Acidophilus.  My doctor actually
prescribe this when I was in for my colonoscopy in July.  When I left the
hospital I went by GNC and purchased a couple bottles of the type for
individuals that have lactose intolerance.  I have another bottle I
purchased from Sam's Club.  It has been a long haul over the last few
months, but I am slowly but surely getting better.  Hopefully you will also.
Good luck and I'll be thinking of you.

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