Again, I agree with Ron.  When I was first injured, all they wanted to do was 
get my parents to let me die, mainly to see if they could get my organs.  I'm 
in favor of organ donations, as long as nobody is salivating over the thought 
of being able to take mine before I'm done with them. : )
26, C1 and C2 ventilator dependent quadriplegic 13 years post.

Danny Espinoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Discarded? BAH! I may be paralyzed but most consider me a genius! Even with the 
TBI my brain runs circles around most!
  Danny Espinoza
  Broke c2,c6,c7 and doner  bone at c2
  TBI from blood going to central cortex from spinal cord
  off a vent "woohoo" however only one diaphragm works right now "due to
  asymmetric SCI"
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 6:33 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] about football player possibly paralyzed

    i would never wish a life of being paralyzed on anybody .......but the sad 
truth is the more people thst suffer a spinal injury the better off the people 
that have one already are.


    most people out there truely believe that noone they know could ever get 
one...... due to their belief in god or them living a good, pure life.


    someday things will change, they slowly are already....but the more spinal 
injuries the faster things will change


    thank god we live in the united states otherwise we would have been 
discarded upon injury



    ron c7

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