I always hesitate to write a long e-mail and diatribe but is sometimes to
get all the information
across... it has to be done that way.

Yes... the one IV antibiotic that was used on me for was Zosyn as well.  I
think for Proteus.
Vancomycin has been around for approximately 10 years.

So many doctors as well as the spinal cord injured population hold by their
that indwelling Foley catheters are more opportunistic for bacteria.  But I
have to disagree.
For the first 20 years of my injury within indwelling catheter... I only had
about four or five
UTIs.  The doctors were always so surprised.

It wasn't until I had boulders in my bladder that I began to have problems.

In the near future I will write about lab technicians and lazy ones and how
we can suffer from their
laziness.  It occurs so frequently that if patients really knew what was
going on in the laboratories
they surely would not be paying for doctors or medical anything!

Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

>   You are a pretty good detective Lori,  I salute your efforts and
> successes.  I had about 6 utis last year, 3 of them requiring
> hospitalization and fancy new (to me) drugs *Zosyn* and 
> Vancomyosin<http://www.jci.org/cgi/reprint/114/9/1181.pdf>, and finally in 
> November I told the doc to remove what I thought was the
> offending part.  I had been using a condom catheter since 1967 and figured
> it was doing me just fine even tho it allowed me to retain about 300 cc in
> my bladder.  I was sure foleys were a much bigger possibility for
> introducing utis into my system.  Now since my 
> orchiectomy<http://www.beavercleaver.net/orchiectomy_slides.htm>and the use 
> of a foley (a bunch of them actually) since 11-2007, I have had
> only 1 or 2 minor utis. I now seem to be noticing cleaner output since using
> collidal silver, alka seltzer, and vinegar some great home remedies for 
> Bladder
> Infections <http://www.otan.dni.us/webfarm/emailproject/bladder.htm> .
> Dave

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