Quoting the website:
"No Scalpel Vasectomy

by Beaver Cleaver D.C.

  Bilateral Orchiectomy Procedure

This procedure has the potential of adding 14 years to the average male life 
expectancy by significantly reducing the risk for prostate cancer and totally 
reducing the risk of testicular cancers.  (however professional body builders 
using this technique in conjunction with steroid therapy for the purpose of 
body sculpting, are at somewhat greater risk to develop prostate cancers 
because of the increased hormone levels being introduced).

No scalpel?  What were the 2cm incisions made with.

"Beaver Cleaver D.C."?  You're putting me on!

C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Age 57
Leesburg, FL
Red ship crashes into blue ship - sailors marooned.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 5:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Psuedamonas UTI

  You are a pretty good detective Lori,  I salute your efforts and successes.  
I had about 6 utis last year, 3 of them requiring hospitalization and fancy new 
(to me) drugs Zosyn and Vancomyosin , and finally in November I told the doc to 
remove what I thought was the offending part.  I had been using a condom 
catheter since 1967 and figured it was doing me just fine even tho it allowed 
me to retain about 300 cc in my bladder.  I was sure foleys were a much bigger 
possibility for introducing utis into my system.  Now since my orchiectomy and 
the use of a foley (a bunch of them actually) since 11-2007, I have had only 1 
or 2 minor utis. I now seem to be noticing cleaner output since using collidal 
silver, alka seltzer, and vinegar some great home remedies for Bladder 
Infections .

  In a message dated 10/2/2007 12:52:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

    Hi Danny,

    You and I have been talking (around 2 years now?) about the chronic UTIs 
that we both have
    been plagued with.  But it seems like you have not had very good luck with 
competent doctors.
    Neither have I but I finally found out that "the culprit" were those very 
big, big bladder stones
    that had been sitting in growing in my bladder for years and kept growing.
    Anyway, you said that you have had a bad UTI for a month now!  If it is 
"bad" then I must assume
    it has gone systemic and you have been running a fever with severe chills 
for a whole month?
    Something does not sound right.  Not to mention being extremely 
dangerous!!!  In other words... 

    what the F***? have you or the doctors than waiting on/for?  After a whole 
month... you just
    got urine culture results today which only take three days (on the outside)?

    Just before, and after, having my bladder stones removed a year ago this 
past May...
    the bug that came after me twice in 2 months was Pseudomonas.  It is one of 
the worst ones and both times
    I had to be treated with IV antibiotics via a PICC line at home. 

    Again, you and I have discussed these ongoing UTIs both on list and off 
list.  There must
    be some source, or culprit, causing your chronic infections.  Mine was 
bladder stones
    but it has to be a process of elimination kind of deal.  And only you know 
your body best! 

    You already know that I have had repeated serious UTIs such as Pseudomonas.
    Yes, it is very depressing not to mention life-threatening.  And going 
through an entire month
    ... how in the world did you let it go that long if it WAS so BAD?  My 
fevers that bad really quick 
    and I thought I would die before ibuprofen in some sort of antibiotic began 
kicking in.

    Then finding out that Pseudomonas has been growing in there the whole time? 
 I would
    began to think that your urologist OR even your regular physician... sits 
around reading
    comic books rather than trying to help you! 

    As far as how many times one can use the IV drugs before the bug gets 
resistant to them
    it is really academic if you NEED them anyway.  My greatest fear with all 
my troubles ALSO
    was the fear that the bugs were growing more and more resistant.  After 
    when you have to resort to IV antibiotics... that is scary enough!  There 
is nothing left to resort to.
    This is what leads me to think that your position does not give a rat's ass 
about your well-being.
    How you describe it... this is dead serious and something not to just brush 
off again and again. 

    Also, like I have told you so many times... you might need to travel to get 
a better urologist
    and one really cares about your well-being!  This quack that you keep going 
to has not
    been very helpful... has he?  Therefore, because these things can get quite 
    you better get real proactive real fast.  If I sound like I am yelling at 
you or preaching
    to you... maybe it is because that I care more about you than your doctor 
does!  Tough love
    if you want to call it that. :-)  

    I was so upset when I got a Pseudomonas infection AFTER having my bladder 
stones out
    and my doctor was not happy either.  *I* finally found the answer on the 
Internet.  To be brief...
    I found out that by me eating a banana a day... that amount of potassium 
was severely 
    altering the pH of my urine.  It was staying too alkaline (7.5 or more) 
when it should be
    much more acidic to keep the bugs away (ideally a pH of 6).

    After I stopped eating bananas... wala!  I have not had an infection since! 
 Who would have
    ever thought?  My doctor was unsure why we could not get my pH number lower 
even by
    taking cranberry capsules, drinking cranberry juice and other acidic 

    She (my Urologist) was pretty impressed that I was able to find out the 
information that I did.  My body
    was not going to be able to take many more infections and the bugs were 
just getting stronger
    and stronger and that would ultimately lead to my demise. 

    That is the second time the Internet information has saved my life.

    Anyway, Danny... please heed my advice to go get a damn new doctor!  Also, 
have your
    pH checked if you have not already.  If your urologist is competent, as 
well as the
    medical technicians who tested your urine, they should be able to provide 
    with what your last pH was during the culture.  Just call and ask because 
it is usually part of the lab report.

    If not... insist on finding out even if you have to give them a new 
specimen and ask for that specifically.

    Good luck buddy!

    Lori Michaelson
    C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
    Tucson, AZ

    On 10/2/07, Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
      Hi all.......I have had a bad UTI for a month now, I just got the results 
of a Urine Culture today, and they told me I have psuedamonas bacteria 
infection and are going to contact my Urologist because only I.V . drugs can 
fight it. Since i've had a supra-pubic catheter put in 7 years ago --- this is 
the ( 3rd ) time i've had this type bacteria, that will probably require I.V. 
drugs once again. It is very depressing, Has anyone else had repeated serious 
UTI's such as Psuedamonas??? We are wondering how many times one can use the 
I.V. drugs for this before getting resistant to them.......I don't know what 
options there are..I will ask my Uro Doctor but he seems to not know a lot on 
the subject.          Thanks,  Dan H.

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