They have nice cheap 8 oz. bags with lines that have metal clips shutting them. 
You remove the line from the bottom and simply attach a short length of yellow 
foam line to the bag where the nasty green line was. 
You attach your regular bed bag or leg bag to the drain end of the small bag. I 
have to get a cam and make a video. I've never had trouble connecting bags to 
Let me know if that is any help?

best wishes,

----- Original Message ----
From: Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2008 10:55:04 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] UTI and ETC> Help Aids

How do you attatch your leg bag and bed bag?  The leg bag where it empties is 
either losens to empty or has a lever to pull to empty it.  At least mine do.

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2008 7:52:55 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] UTI and ETC> Help Aids

Well that is easy, don't worry about it!
Yea Dan, used them all but I don't have an indwelling catheter. Whoever is 
doing your personal care must scrub and use "sterile" gloves when changing your 
cath. If they have kids or love houseplants, they need dipped in liquid 
sterilizer.  If you can keep your bladder acidic then you should be able to ask 
your doc about using Mandelamine. Great anti infective but doctors are afraid 
patients won't keep their urine acid. 
I'll suggest this again and you can ignore me. Get a very small leg bag and 
keep it attached to your indwelling catheter. Attach your leg bag and bed bag 
to it. It adds an anti backflow barrier at the usual point of infection. Handy 
for seeing if your urine is starting to look bad or to get samples for tests. 
All my best,

----- Original Message ----
From: Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2008 11:01:42 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] UTI and ETC> Help Aids

Hello  Gang, I was wondering how many use these products --- (1) D Mannose-- 
(2) Vitamin C--- (3) Cranberry Pills -- (4) Collodial Silver -- (5) Apple Cider 
Vinegar ????  I get UTI 's all the Time  and the only One of these I have not 
Tried is >> Collodial Silver. { I stay faithfull on the cranberry and vitamin C 
} but never go long without bad UTI trouble.   I have a Supra-Pubic Catheter 
and doctors say there will always be infection trouble,  But don't some of you 
with indwelling Catheters go long periods between serious UTI infections???  
It's hard to be able to live in pain but always worry about infection killing 
                                                             Thanks All!!     
Dan H. - Saint Louis, Mo. c-6

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