I am currently putting it on the counter, on the arm of my wheelchair and
sometimes right between my fingers.  Thanks for the other suggestions.  Keep
them coming... :-)  What other things have you been able to train them to do
for you?

Yes, my husband is my primary caregiver.  He has said many times that he
knows way too much about the female anatomy that he shouldn't.  I am *
extremely* lucky.  I have found one of the best things in our relationship
is our sense of humor.


On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 6:31 PM, Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    I am a retriever lover.  In my experience... they *are* mellow. :-).  I
> had two black Labrador retrievers in the early 90s.
> Anyway, I am one who has trained my current Golden Retriever to do things
> for me.  I cannot use my fingers (and barely my hands) either and have
> little arm movement.  What I did was use a lap tray and have the sliced-up
> treats on it.  Then, after the correct performance, I pushed one of the
> treats off of my lap tray with my arm/hand for the reward.
> I learned how to use clicker training and it is the most widely used type
> of training nationwide or worldwide today.  Do a search on "clicker
> training" and you will see why and how!  That is... if you are not already
> using it.
> Your husband sounds like she is of great support to you of like mine is.
> Is he your primary caregiver?
> Lori Michaelson
> Age - 43
> C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post.  Motor vehicle accident.
> Tucson, AZ
>  *-------Original Message-------*
>  *From:* Maria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Date:* 3/9/2008 6:18:40 PM
> *To:* Raúl Rebollo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;  quad-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: [QUAD-L] post to quad list
> Hey Everybody -- thanks for the welcome.
> I am 42 years old and a C5/6 complete quadriplegic due to a car accident
> in a wind storm.  In December of 2000, the top part of a tree broke off and
> fell on our minivan while we were driving about 35 or 40 miles an hour on a
> back road.  Wrong place at the wrong time.  My husband and I both broke our
> necks and had surgery to get them fused.  There was more damage to my side
> of the van, which left me a quadriplegic.  My husband fortunately did not
> have any permanent damage.  I have movement of my arms, but no finger
> movement.
> We are in the midst of training our three-month old AKC yellow lab, which
> we got when she was seven weeks old.  My husband is doing a great job with
> her.  She was the youngest and most mellowest of the whole litter and should
> be around 60 pounds or so full-grown.  Everyone that knows Labs says that
> she is not a lab because she is so mellow.  She is potty trained and sleeps
> in a kennel during the night.  Has anyone out there trained their dogs to do
> things for them?  I still need to find a way to be able to give her treats.
> Any suggestions?
> Nice to Be on Board -- :-)
> Maria
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 7:41 AM, Raúl Rebollo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>  Hi Maria.
>     You can post and can write us about your injury, accident. I hope as
> soon as possible you can participe as all ours. bye
> ------------------------------
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