Thanks for the update Bobby.  I remember the story and wished that I  could 
done more to help.
His was in Decatur, IL if I remember correctly and I talked with the  
Executive Director of the CIL in Decatur and asked if he could do a "Welfare  
Check" on that person.  They understood what was needed and required but  also 
cautioned me about the legal ramifications which were all negative.
I'm glad he is back home.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/1/2009 4:43:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Hi All,
    Do you guys remember me telling you about a  guy named Matt, C 4,5 quad 
5 yrs post, whom I had meet while peer  counseling and we became fast 
friends. And that back in December 2008 he was  "running away" to move from New 
Jersey to Springfield, Illinois with a woman  he had met on-line only a few 
months ago? Well, I saw him yesterday at a  nursing home where his Mom put 
him after Matt emailed his mom to say "Get me  out of here ASAP" 
  He looks fantastic, a bit skinny but and a congested cough  but other 
wise healthy. Karen, the girl he ran away with, turned out to be an  alcoholic 
and control freak. Matt was trapped in his "bedroom" downstairs on  the main 
level because there was so much junk all around he couldn't move  about at 
all -- and those were the days he was out of bed. He had a nurse who  came 
once a week but Karen was ALWAYS there so Matt couldn't get a message  out, 
the nurse was teaching Karen to change the cath. The only time he  used a 
phone was when Karen dialed it and held it for him, so she heard  everything he 
said. He went to the Doctor's only once the entire time because  the house 
was not accessible. Karen and her 10 yr old daughter slept up stairs  where 
she could not hear Matt no matter how loud he called and never set up  any 
other form of communication. She started hitting him the end of January in  a 
drunken rage, that's when called his mom. 
  His mom, Sheila, her brother and his wife and another  brother drove out 
to Illinois, knocked on the door and said "Where her to pack  Matt's 
belongings and take him home. Matt knew they were coming but Karen did  not. 
had no problem letting Matt go and she has not tried to contact him  at all. 

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