In a message dated 7/11/2009 3:18:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time, DAANOO  
Okay, more questions.
I will answer these quickly so people don't get tired of what I am  saying. 
 My answers will be in red and bold font.

I read your e-mail again and thought you must be getting really good  care. 
Yes, I do get good care, but I also take  good care.  I do not exercise, 
probably should, I ruined my shoulders with  a manual wheelchair and I advise 
anyone not to use a manual wheelchair.  A  power wheelchair not only saves 
your shoulders but opens up the world to you in  so many ways.
  You didn't mention any health problems.  From 1966 to 1969 I had three 
surgeries for staff osteomyelitis  contracted in the state hospital, two more 
surgeries to shape the bone in that  area in 1975 and 1976, two more in 1986 
and 1988, both of my hips are removed  (double girdlestone) in the 1990s, 
broke my left leg in three places 1996, broke  both legs in multiple places 
2005.  When I was in the state hospital they  did not have reclining hospital 
beds, show you laid flat most of the time.   If you wanted to do anything, 
like eat a meal, you propped yourself on your side  using your elbow as 
support.  The pressure sore went to the  bone.
I think having a good partner and family really helps.  A good partner is a 
definite asset, children, many times once  they go out on their own you see 
them when they want  something.
I am single with no children, just my 5 pound, five-year-old yorkie  
daughter. Spoil her, and build up your  self-esteem, puffed out that chest and 
brag on yourself.
Do you have a website or anything? I have  a business web site.
You didn't list your age, but you must have been very young when  injured. 
Birth date February 10, 1951, that  makes me old.
  I was a passenger in a automobile accident 35 years ago not wearing  a 
seatbelt, her tire just went off the road and she jerked it back on too  
quickly and I went out the back window.  It's interesting to hear about  other 
people's injuries and how they have survived their quad lives.  What  are 
their tricks and things they attribute their longevity  to..  the biggest thing 
is to definitely keep  busy, always be doing something.  I cannot sit still 
long enough to the  newspaper.  I always need to be doing something.  The 
worst time for  me is October through January, normally hit a depression 
period, but don't get  hooked on drugs.  My wife and my doctor put me on 
antidepressant and I felt  worse.  Flushed those suckers. Whitetail deer season 
helps to pull me out,  always liked the outdoors.
As I said before, believe in yourself, if  you think you can do it, do it!  
Until my shoulders blew out I did  woodworking, can use a router, band saw, 
drills, radial arm saw, and quite a few  other tools.  Life may have taken 
some of my physical ability, but God gave  me one good mind and I'm using it.

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