Both my mom and dad died from medical over-treatment.  Mom took so  many 
arthritis meds, they weakened her stomach so when they 'scoped' her  they 
poked a hole.  At 83 she never recovered heart failed.   Dad  went nuts after 
taking a anti-depressant at 10 times the 'normal'  dose.  He died of heart 
Cudos John for knowing better than the ER folks.   A very BOLD  call.!!!
AZDAVE   (p.s.  I'm off all Rx drugs.)
In a message dated 9/1/2009 3:49:41 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

In the 80's I had an indwelling catheter and took antibiotics daily to  
prevent infections. I was taking macrodantin. After about 7 months I was  
having trouble breathing and i was not producing any urine. Ambulance took me  
the hospital were they increased the macrodantin by IV and began treating  
me for heart failure. I asked to see the PDR and a nurse complied. the side  
effects were identical to what was happening to me. I had them remove the 
IV  medicine packs and refused any more antibiotics. Within 6 hours I was  
urinating big time. 2 liters in 4 hours. Within a day my heart had returned to 
 normal and my breathing was incredibly easier. You can become septic  from 
antibiotics that are taken over long periods of time. It is  important to 
understand how each works and drugs that can turn to poison when  your system 
no longer removes them.  
I ditched that urologist and  went to a different one who got me into 
bladder training. It may never happen  to others, but I wanted to relate the 
importance of being able to  recognize antibiotic poisoning and toxic 
I'm allergic to any drug  in the macrodantin and keflex families.
My point is obvious I guess. just always get the pharmacy PDR info on any  
drug and e careful. I was within hours of dying when I started to refuse  
treatment against medical advice (RTAMA) from a doctor that was furious  with 
me and insisting that I needed an even larger dose of what was killing  me. 
The next day a resident came in my room and told me my stubbornness kept  me 
from the morgue. 
I honestly feel that many of us using CMS medical treatment are not  
getting the treatment given to those with beefy insurance policies. I  hope 
changes but I will always read the fine print as should we  all. 
If I had died it would have been listed as heart attack due to Renal  
failure. I always wonder how many of us die from the treatment we get from  
people we trusted to "do no harm". Ultimately, it is up to each of us to read  
and ask questions about our health care and use our judgment. Doctors aren't  
gods and mistakes happen all to often. 
I hope what you take works for you as long as you need it. I don't mean  to 
scare or frieghten you or any one else. I just want to relate an experience 
 I had because I did everything my doctor said without question. 

 From: Merrill  <>
Sent:  Tuesday, September 1, 2009 5:33:23 PM

What is the  antibiotic? 
From: Greg  [] 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:20  PM
To: 'donald scott';
I too take a daily  antibiotic. I know most people say not to do it, but I 
was getting UTI’s every  other week. Plus the symptoms really were hard on 
me. I would sweat and get  fevers before the UTI was bas enough to show up on 
tests. The Uro wanted to do  a bladder augmentation, but thought we should 
try this first as a last resort.  Since starting the daily half dose, I have 
had 2 UTI’s in 4  years. 

Hi group,

I read some of the posts regarding the sweating  problem. I too have had 
this problem and ran a bunch of test. The  doctors where pretty stumped. I 
think that I have finally figured out  that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up 
it puts more pressure on the  bladder which irritates the bladder when it's 
already upset from the  UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a 
daily antibiotic for  urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it 
helped  me.

Good luck and great  health,
Donald  C5

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