Most of us seem to have wheelchair repair problems.  Before I was on
Medicare I purchased my own wheelchair-Ebay of course, and I love it.  What
I do not love is having to pay out of pocket for any repairs.  But I do
understand that is the nature of the game, but that doesn't make it more
palatable to me.  Luckily I can afford-up to a point-the necessary repairs
so far.  We only have one reliable DME within 150 miles, and I only use them
when my family and friends cannot fix the problem.  Unfortunately, they are
unfamiliar with my chair but were willing to do their best, which has so far

I am very fortunate to have very clever friends and family who are usually
able to troubleshoot and repair my chair.  It has been relatively easy to
buy the parts directly from Next Mobility and they have been quite helpful
in offering telephone help.  Parts of course are very expensive, and
especially for an uncommon chair.  Am I going to get another chair?
Hopefully I will not have to as I do not think I like the choices available.
I think I will just follow along with the game plan that we are doing, and
hope that no major catastrophe happens to my chair.  J


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost



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