I have the great fortune to have a house of my own which we built seven years 
ago.  I live with two handicapped/retarded men who have been with me for 35 
years.  They can do many things with verbal directions and step by step help.  
So they help me with the physical things and I help them by verbally 
instructing them so they can continue to live semi independently.  My youngest 
daughter lives next door, my oldest daughter is 5 miles away and my son and his 
wife are 5 miles away in the other direction.  My youngest daughter has been my 
hero since I was injured and she was only 15.  She went to Santa Clara and 
learned my total care so that we could continue to show horses.  She has just 
recently come back to being a part time caregiver for me, but we definitely 
needed to break off the caregiver/client aspect for a while so we could regain 
our mother daughter relationship.  My oldest daughter does most of the grocery 
shopping-she’s crazy, she loves it-and puts me to bed five nights a week.  My 
family, including my ex husband, have been very instrumental in my quest for as 
much independence as I can handle, even as they do not agree with what I am 
doing.  The first few times after getting my Omega Trac and being able to 
actually leave my property independently and motor down to the bus stop 2 miles 
away they secretively followed me just to make sure I was OK J.  Now they are 
very blasé about the whole thing.  It’s great to have family and friends 
support, and we all try to work hard at keeping things in perspective and not 
letting the little things get in the way of our goals.  I have an agency that 
supplies me with the caregiver up to 35 hours a week, and I have luckily been 
able to keep most of my caregivers for a long time, a couple of them for five 
years.  So it is possible to go on with life in many many ways, each of us find 
some way to continue.  You are fortunate to have a husband that will be your 
caregiver, my husband tried it and did not work for either of us so we agreed 
to divorce after 22 years but we have been able to keep our friendship going 
and I am very pleased that he is remarried and is happy, because I actually 
enjoy making the decisions myself without having to worry if someone else will 
agree.  Each to our own ways.  Joan, sitting in front of a fire for the first 
time this year.

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