I remember Go Beyond The Limits when it first came out.  Mark's best  show 
was when he opened the 1995 Summer ParaOlympics during the torch lighting  
ceremony. The Stadium was packed with standing room only.  Tickets for the  
ceremony were sold out long before the event.  I bet there were thousands  
more on the outside of the stadium that night when the stadium went dark.   
Mark entered a totally dark stadium with the torch held between his knees.   
All anyone could see in the pitch dark was the moving torch. Sudden the torch 
 stop and began a graceful ascent towards the Paralympic Torch.  As he  
neared the top and just before he lighted the flame, the lights in the stadium  
were brought up ever so slowing.  Most could not tell that a human had  
wheeled in and had climbs a cable with his hands and the torch between his 
knees  that evening. The languages began describing to others what was 
and  you could hear the ground swell of support with yelling and clapping, 
with  shouts and cheers and Mark continued up the cable, without effort. 
During the  same ceremony two weeks prior for the Summer Olympics the same 
stadium was  cleared by midnight, but on this night the crowd with so much 
excitement and  energy was still packed at 2AM the next morning.  Mark's 
performance that  night will live in my mind forever.........
Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/22/2011 5:25:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
rhvsh...@pacbell.net writes:

Thanks  for the Cool Reply,  

You have all of the info correct...

Except, you are "rolling" 3 wheelers into one it's totally  understandable. 
 All three of us will take this as a compliment.  Mark Wellman made 
national television and newspaper headlines when he--a  T12 paraplegic--climbed
the 3,000 foot rock wall--El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in 1989.  He 
made more national news a few years later when he climbed Yosemite's  
3,000foot Half Home live on national--the last few days of the climb  ended
up being live because of two reasons A) New Anchor Tom Brokaw is a rock  
climber and a Wellman fan.  B) They were pinned down by sickness and  
weather--the climb lasted 13 days instead of the planned-upon 9-days  and 
they ran out of food and water on the rock, but made it anyway. Mark is  
also a adaptive adventure video producer.

Enter Person #2--me, Bob Vogel, T10 paraplegic.  I'm Marks age, same  hair 
color, same mustache, similar build--his arms are much bigger than mine.  
I'm a hang glider pilot.  In the late 1987 I created a famous  advertisement
for Everest & Jennings Wheelchairs where I flew my hang glider next  to my 
empty E&J wheelchair, on the edge of a 150 foot cliff--see below.  I also 
produced an adaptive sports video in 1987 called Go Beyond the  Limits 
paraplegics and quadriplegics doing the following sports:  Hang  Gliding, 
HobieCat Sailing, Airplane Flying, Off-road car off-road racing,  Wheelchair 
racing, Basketball, and Wheelchair tennis--and I toured the country  for 
many years
doing speaking presentations at hospitals, rehab centers, and abilities  

Enter Person #3 Dan Buchanan--A T6 paraplegic and professional air-show  
hang glider pilot.  Dan fly's a propeller driven hang glider--an  
ultralight--and also has an airshow act where he gets towed up to about 2,000  
behind a vehicle that pays out line to get his hang glider to  
altitude--complete with smoke bombs, and throws candy to kids 

You nailed it--Mark is the guy that climbed up the tower and lit the  Torch 
at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

To further confuse matters, Dan, Mark and I are all good friends, and Dan  
and I have had separate segments in one of Mark's adventure videos--Me Scuba 
 Diving with a Manta Ray and Sea Lions in the Sea of Cortez, Dan Hang 
Gliding  on the Pacific Coast of California. 

I've had many people compliment me on my amazing Yosemite  climbs, Mark has 
had many people compliment him on his amazing hang  gliding 
advertisement--we crack each other up playing off of this. Our friend  enjoy 
giving us a 
hard time about this.  And--I SWEAR THIS IS TRUE--I was  at a hang gliding 
festival in Lakeview, Oregon and a very attractive woman  came up to me around 
11:00am--gave me a huge hug and kiss, complimented  me on my incredible 
lovemaking skills, "she had never been satisfied over and  over again like 
and she was ready to go on the tandem hang glider ride I  promised her.  
Dan Buchanan IS a licensed tandem hang glider pilot,  I DON'T have my tandem 
rating.  Apparently Dan Buchanan had a fantastic  evening with this woman AND 
forgot he was supposed to take her tandem flying,  he had already headed to 
launch to go flying.  I tried to explain  that
there is another hang glider pilot in town, who is a paraplegic, has a  
mustache, etc.--she ended up getting really pissed and stormed off--much to  
the uproarious laughter of my friends--friends that refer to us as  "DanBob".
Friends that will accidentally say to me "Dan, do you want your chair out  
of the back of the truck.?" A) "Errr, I'm Bob.  Dan's at work today."  
"Yeah, fine, whatever.  Do you want your chair?".  "yup..."

Bob V

On Jul 22, 2011, at 2:42 PM, _wheelchair@aol.com_ 
(mailto:wheelch...@aol.com)  wrote:

I just knew it. Mark is a super human being and a talented para-glider,  in 
his spare time.  His group performs at places like county fairs and  
performs trick maneuvers , while wearing smoke grenades. They land away from  
grandstands and then roll out in their chairs to the screaming  audiences.
I'll never forget Mark's performance at the 1996 Summer Paralympics in  
Thanks and Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/22/2011 4:27:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_rhvshark@pacbell.net_ (mailto:rhvsh...@pacbell.net)  writes:

You  guessed it!  He used to drone on and on about "The Sween Cream  
brother!  Gotta have the Sween Cream to keep the skin strong."  About 6-months 
I started having serious problems with red, dry  cracking   
skin and started having heal tiny stage II cracks.  I remembered  his 
animated "Gotta have the Sween Cream Brother!"  Remark--and  hunted some down.  
Available online and at specialty  pharmacies.

Within a few days of using Sween Cream the redness and dryness and  
cracking went away.  It rubs in well too so there is no residue--and  within 
10-minutes of rubbing it in you can apply bandages or adhesives  over
it.  I know I sound like a commercial--but I have no affiliation  with 
them.  Wish I did...

Bob V

On Jul 22, 2011, at 2:11 PM, _wheelchair@aol.com_ 
(mailto:wheelch...@aol.com)  wrote:

Would that be Mark Welman?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/22/2011 3:59:04 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_rhvshark@pacbell.net_ (mailto:rhvsh...@pacbell.net)   writes:

The best stuff I've found to protect skin, heal redness,  dryness, and heal 
the earliest stages (non-broken) skin is Sween Cream  by Coloplast.  It 
costs about $9-$12 bucks for a tube that will  last several months  
of using it evening and morning on my butt.   Works well on  skin anywhere. 
 I apply it each morning and evening to protect my  skin.  I learned this 
from a world famous Paraplegic Rock Climber  and Supercrip--he
swears by the stuff.

Bob V

On Jul 22, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Danny Hearn wrote:

Hi, Don--I had a pressure sore a while back  on my bottom from my seat 
losing air---Some of the quads on here  recommended ( lantiseptic ) so we 
wound care saline and would  clean it with that then after it dried we 
applied the lantiseptic  cream--Mine healed very quickly after that--- Bag balm 
and  {boudreaux butt paste} are very good for rash, redness oe early  stage 
of pressure sores. My doctor told us about the butt paste---it  has a funny 
name but works very well---these can be found at stores  like kmart--target 
and some walgreens I think.  good luck  !  hope this helps, Dan H.

 From: donald scott <_rollingluvr@yahoo.com_ (mailto:rollingl...@yahoo.com) 
To: "_quad-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:quad-list@eskimo.com) " 
<_quad-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:quad-list@eskimo.com) >
Sent: Fri, July 22, 2011 8:30:47  AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] honey vs bag balm  vs sulfadiazine

hi group,
ok, here we go again with  the pressure soar question. i developed  my 
first pressure soar after 20 years. it's a  stage 2 and barely open. it's about 
the size of a quarter. it's  located on my buttock and was caused by my jay 
2  cushion. i've been fighting it for 2  months now and saw my dr. a month 
ago. he  recommended sulfadiazine or also known as silverdine and a gauze pad 
as well as  trying to stay off of it. I was able to stay in bed for awhile 
but  need to be up more now for my girlfriend to go to work. she has 2  more 
weeks of work before summer break and i need to be up 10 hours  a day. it 
did get slightly better but now coming back from being  up i'm assuming. i 
did get a new  cushion yesterday which i'm hoping helps. i guess what  i need 
opinions on is should i give up on the sulfadiazine and try honey or bag 
balm  for a quicker healing result? any suggestions would be helpful. i  know 
the obvious answer is stay down in bed but she needs to  work. also is the 
bag balm you folks use the one in the green can or  something else?
thanks for your input and help,
donald c5/c6 complete




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