What is Amitiza and how does it work?, Gel suppository? If so, if you take in 
the morning, don’t you worry about it effecting before bedtime? 

            I'm a C4-5 Quad, 20 years. My doctor prescribed Amitiza about 5 
years ago. I take 24mg every morning. I do my bowel care at night. I can't go 
well without it. It works great for me. I also use the Magic Bullet 
Suppositories. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

            -------Original Message-------

            From: Bill Lang
            Date: 6/24/2012 11:22:11 AM
            To: quad-list@eskimo.com
            Subject: [QUAD-L] Amitiza

            Hi Guys,

            Anyone using Amitiza for their Bowel Program?

            Since I started ingesting large dosages of pain meds and using 
Fentyl patches my program has been an all or nothing event. When, about every 5 
days, it's all, the Results are disastrous. Seems never ending with wet gas 
passes and the inevitable skin break down. Beyond day 3, it's dysreflexia 
anytime up until I finally go. Enema as last resort.

            Doc gave me Amitiza starting with one 8mg gel tab before bedtime.

            Does anyone use it, and at what dosage? I have a box of 8mg and a 
box of 24mg. Do you take it every day?


            Sent from Billy Lang C5/6 23 yrs post





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