Tell your doctor to read 


 From: Danny Hearn <>
To:; Bobbie Humphreys <> 
Cc: Eric W Rudd <>; "" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey

Yes, I thought every quad knew about A.D. -------We were taught about it in the 
hospital before they allowed quads to go home, but I suppose all hospitals are 
different. I have had it a few times, and probably would have died if my wife 
was not present each time to hurry and get me up out of bed. Feels like head 
will explode and pressure and pain grows very fast. ( when upright or placed in 
chair it can subside or get better ) Most my A.D. was from uti's becoming 
septic--or real bad and putting white blood cell count out of whack., But can 
be caused by other things also. ( when you get it you sure will know if it gets 
bad) I have had mild a.d. a lot of times where I sweat  and get irregular 
heatbeat and so on during bowel routine or from needing to be turned or 
something. Dan H**

 From: "" <>
To: Bobbie Humphreys <>
Cc: Eric W Rudd <>; "" 
Sent: Wed, June 27, 2012 1:02:52 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey

I can't believe any quad hasn't heard of AD. Bout killed me one day, a headache 
you'll never forget. 

On Jun 27, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Bobbie Humphreys <> wrote:

Yea, and what is Autonomic Dysreflexia? My injury was in 1973, I don't Everett 
hearing about this except on the q-list.   Bobbie 
>Sent from my iPad 
>On Jun 27, 2012, at 10:40 AM, "Eric W Rudd" <> wrote:
>Autonomic Dysreflexia 
>>Eric W Rudd
>>From: Bobbie Humphreys  
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:39 PM 
>>To: Bob Vogel  
>>Cc: John S. ;  
>>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey 
>> What is AD?   Bobbie 
>>Sent from my iPad 
>>On Jun 26, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Bob Vogel <> wrote:
>>Hi John, 
>>>From  SCI nurses and physicians I've spoken with--  AD can hit anybody with 
>>>SCI of T6 and above, and is possible in people with SCI as low as T10. 
>>>Bob V 
>>>On Jun 26, 2012, at 11:10 AM, John S. wrote:
>>>I've taken valium for 36 years, hydrocodone for 20, oxycontin for 8 and 
>>>lyrica for 5. Because my bones deteriorate and fracture from simple lifts I 
>>>either take my npain meds or suffer from AD. I broke a multitude of bones in 
>>>my original accident and many never healed right. I have deformed so badly 
>>>that Dr.s have said it hurts to look at my X-rays. Now, my bones and 
>>>floating organs make lifting and moving in my chair almost unbearable. 
>>>>Tell your Dr. to read up on AD if your a quad. If you're a paraplegic you 
>>>>shouldn't have AD. This doesn't mean you have no pain issues. You might try 
>>>>a physiatrist. 
>>>>From: Derrick <>
>>>>Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 3:59 PM
>>>>Subject: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey
>>>>I've been on 5mg (2x/day) narcotic for over 10 years.
>>>>I've been having more pain and asked my latest doc(very rural town) if she 
>>>>would up my meds.
>>>>She told me that "narcotics are not prescribed to parapelgics" and the only 
>>>>reason she writes me a script because I've been on them so long.
>>>>I disagree with her. I would like to hear how many on this list do or do 
>>>>not take narcotics. If do, how many pills&mg?
>>>>I built a quick survey with 3 questions. You can see results at end of 
>>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>>Derrick W
>>>>By the way, I'm a C5/6 quad, not a para. Not only her but the next towns 
>>>>pain clinic prescribed "voltran cream" a few years back. Like I can rub on 
>>>>my neck myself. I do plan to switch drs but I want to educate her & others 
>>>>in the future with survey results. 

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