I'm not in pain Don. It really doesn't hurt in the sense that I feel the pain. 
When I don't treat it my blood preassure rises, I get cold sweats to the point 
of being drenched. My heart starts an irregular fast beat and I feel like I'm 
being crushed. I become rigid then start convulsing violently. 
I have done this on fountain square, Dr.s office, several times in the 
hospital. At home many times. Untill I feel crushed I can't say it hurts. Its 
my body that hurts, unfortunately, I have to keep it happy or it'll kill me. 
Dr.s that have seen it in the waiting room were stunned, why, "I had no idea it 
was like that.". Morphine and nitro, ten minutes later, I'm fine. couple 
hydrocodones for that extra kick while I wait for my  ride. 
I hope that helps explain it a bit.

 From: Don Price <donpric...@yahoo.com>
To: quadlist <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 2:58 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey

I am thankful, but after 30 years [in Aug.] of SCI I've never taken anything 
stronger than Tylenol for pain. That's not to say I never have pain, but I 
decided long ago that I wanted to avoid drugs [of any kind] as long as I could. 
If I lived in a cold climate I would probably need pain meds. 
My remedies for pain include: massage, range-of-motion, heat, Tylenol, Aleve, 
exercise and red wine. :) Well, I guess wine could be considered a drug.  

From: Bob Vogel <rhvsh...@pacbell.net>
To: John S. <alcibiat...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "quad-list@eskimo.com" <quad-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey

Hi John, 
From  SCI nurses and physicians I've spoken with--  AD can hit anybody with SCI 
of T6 and above, and is possible in people with SCI as low as T10. 
Bob V 

On Jun 26, 2012, at 11:10 AM, John S. wrote:

I've taken valium for 36 years, hydrocodone for 20, oxycontin for 8 and lyrica 
for 5. Because my bones deteriorate and fracture from simple lifts I either 
take my npain meds or suffer from AD. I broke a multitude of bones in my 
original accident and many never healed right. I have deformed so badly that 
Dr.s have said it hurts to look at my X-rays. Now, my bones and floating organs 
make lifting and moving in my chair almost unbearable. 
>Tell your Dr. to read up on AD if your a quad. If you're a paraplegic you 
>shouldn't have AD. This doesn't mean you have no pain issues. You might try a 
>From: Derrick <whe...@cvn.net>
>To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
>Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 3:59 PM
>Subject: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey
>I've been on 5mg (2x/day) narcotic for over
 10 years.
>I've been having more pain and asked my latest doc(very rural town) if she 
>would up my meds.
>She told me that "narcotics are not prescribed to parapelgics" and the only 
>reason she writes me a script because I've been on them so long.
>I disagree with her. I would like to hear how many on this list do or do not 
>take narcotics. If do, how many pills&mg?
>I built a quick survey with 3 questions. You can see results at end of survey.
>Thanks in advance,
>Derrick W
>By the way, I'm a C5/6 quad, not a para. Not only her but the next towns pain 
>clinic prescribed "voltran cream" a few years back. Like I can rub on my neck 
>myself. I do plan to switch drs but I want to educate her & others in the 
>future with survey results. 

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