That is exactly it! Same crushing, spasoming feeling here w/o narcotics.

 From: Greg <>
To: John S. <>; quadlist <> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey

went 20+ years with no meds, other than for UTIs. Though after I hurt my hip, 
the bone tried to heal itself. It never stopped growing. It ended up growing 
like branches into the muscles. I had to use radiation to get it to stop. It’s 
still egg size, but they are afraid that if they cut it out it would be very 
bloody. And that can cause it to grow back even worse. 
Though I can’t feel it like a point of pain, like a cut, 
burn, spot. It caused A.D. sweat, high blood pressure. And a very heavy chest, 
like pneumonia. I’ve never had that feeling with A.D. before.  The actual pain 
is in my whole thigh 
area. I mean like it’s being crushed. I would dream every night that I was on 
fires or my leg was trapped in a car door. I went to the E.R. a couple of times 
doubled over in pain. I had spasms so bad I grunted. Docs just kept trying anti 
spasm meds, but I knew it was not regular spasms. Finely they found the problem 
after multiple x-ray trys. 
meds control it. Very little spasms. My thigh still has a burning/throbbing 
feeling, but it’s tolerable. Though if I miss a dose of meds, within hours I’m 
miserable. The meds cause so many bowel issues I’m thinking of trying to cut 
growth out. 

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