What is AD?   Bobbie

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On Jun 26, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Bob Vogel <rhvsh...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Hi John,
> From  SCI nurses and physicians I've spoken with--  AD can hit anybody with 
> SCI of T6 and above, and is possible in people with SCI as low as T10.
> Bob V
> On Jun 26, 2012, at 11:10 AM, John S. wrote:
>> I've taken valium for 36 years, hydrocodone for 20, oxycontin for 8 and 
>> lyrica for 5. Because my bones deteriorate and fracture from simple lifts I 
>> either take my npain meds or suffer from AD. I broke a multitude of bones in 
>> my original accident and many never healed right. I have deformed so badly 
>> that Dr.s have said it hurts to look at my X-rays. Now, my bones and 
>> floating organs make lifting and moving in my chair almost unbearable.
>> Tell your Dr. to read up on AD if your a quad. If you're a paraplegic you 
>> shouldn't have AD. This doesn't mean you have no pain issues. You might try 
>> a physiatrist.
>> bw,
>> john
>> From: Derrick <whe...@cvn.net>
>> To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 3:59 PM
>> Subject: [QUAD-L] do or don't you use narcotic/pain meds-survey
>> I've been on 5mg (2x/day) narcotic for over 10 years.
>> I've been having more pain and asked my latest doc(very rural town) if she 
>> would up my meds.
>> She told me that "narcotics are not prescribed to parapelgics" and the only 
>> reason she writes me a script because I've been on them so long.
>> I disagree with her. I would like to hear how many on this list do or do not 
>> take narcotics. If do, how many pills&mg?
>> I built a quick survey with 3 questions. You can see results at end of 
>> survey.
>> http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22G3WRVEZKQ
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Derrick W
>> By the way, I'm a C5/6 quad, not a para. Not only her but the next towns 
>> pain clinic prescribed "voltran cream" a few years back. Like I can rub on 
>> my neck myself. I do plan to switch drs but I want to educate her & others 
>> in the future with survey results. 

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