thanks you for the information - did a colo-rectal surgeon do yours or
general surgeon?




From: greg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 1:25 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Diverting Colonoscopy


I just had a colostomy a few months ago. I was sweating so bad every time I
did my bowel routine and it often took two hours. Also it made me bleed a
lot. Plus I have been in bed with a pressure sore. I have been thinking
about getting a colostomy for many years. So I thought this would be a good
time to get one. I am glad I did. And I do wish I had gotten one years ago.
I can't say they are perfect. Although most problems are caused from
attaching it incorrectly.


A few times a corner has come loose and there was a slight odor, but I could
notice it before anyone else. The only other issue that would concern others
noticing is sometimes gas can be a little louder. There are a lot of options
and the manufacturers do a good job of sending stuff for free until you find
the right product for you.


It is so nice not having to schedule everything around my B routine. It
takes at most 10 minutes to change the whole thing, once every 3 to 5 days.
In just two or three minutes you can change the bag. And Medicare lets you
get two bags per day. I only need to change once a day at most. Though I
don't go out much since I got my pressure sore. I might want to change to a
new one just before I went out, just so there is no little bulge.


and it is reversible.


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