Joan, when my sister and I drove cross country we stayed in Lake Tahoe for few 
days on the north west end, WOW was it extraordinarily beautiful ... we didn't 
want to leave.   Bobbie 

Smile Everyday

> On Apr 16, 2015, at 11:54 AM, Joan Anglin <> wrote:
> Thanks for sharing Bobbie
> I grew up in Reno Nevada, hunting, fishing. We have one of the most beautiful 
> lakes in the world nearby, Lake Tahoe and one of the most unique lakes, salt 
> water Pyramid lake with its own landlocked flock of pelicans, places where 
> you can stand on the pony express trail and imagine what it was like, and 
> mountains where as a child I believed no one else had ever seen that 
> particular view.
> When I returned from 10 years in Europe I wanted to return here so that my 
> children would have the same opportunity’s. I have never regretted it, 
> although I would’ve made much more money working for Purina in St. Louis. J
> I can sit in my backyard and remember what it was like 26 years ago to ride 
> one of our horses through the mine tailings on the side of the mountain right 
> above me, laughing at my city slicker friends who were very nervous riding a 
> horse on an incline so steep that you could reach out and touch the ground on 
> the uphill side. Or sliding down the hillside with the horses hind leg tucked 
> under them and wondering who was enjoying it more, me or the horses!
> Memories.
> Joan
> From: Gmail [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 5:58 PM
> To: Danny Hearn
> Cc: shirley bell; Larry Willis;
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Showers
> Dan, I think you can relate to this incredible true story ... and few others 
> of you as well.
> I was 16, 1 year before my accident, camping in the adirondack mountains, 
> (specifically Saranac Lake) it was 1972.
> I woke up in my sleeping bag snuggled warm inside a half wood half canvas 
> cabin with no running water or electricity. It was just bearly starting to 
> get light out at 5:35am with my sister's and a friend still sleeping near by.
> I pulled my legs out of the flannel bag and put my bare feet on the sandy 
> wooden floor to search for my sneakers. As I tip toed to the screen door, I 
> took my time to open it as to not wake anybody so I can have this precious 
> time to myself.
> It was just light enough that I needn't light the Lantrens to find my way to 
> the lake at the bottom of the sandy trail cut through wild blueberries bushes.
> I finally came upon my destination, an old green wooden canoe that had been 
> pulled up upon the shore. I got in as quietly as possible and picked up an 
> oar without making a sound.
> My father had taught me how to "Indian paddle" many years ago, a technique 
> that was virtually silent. Once the paddle is in the water it never comes 
> out. With some clever turns of the oar I had mastered the technique.
> I'm now right where I want to be ... in the middle of the Placid lake with 
> fog hanging over the water not yet burned off. I just sat there, then finally 
> I start to hear one bird start to waken with a chirp here and there. Then 
> another bird returns his call.       It's now getting brighter and the fog is 
> starting to burn off the calm water.
> I laid back against the back of the canoe and watched my little part of the 
> world wake up.
> It was one of the most exhilarating experience I've lived. Many, many times 
> when I'm stressed, up set or angry, I can bring myself back to that canoe 
> ride.
> That very same day I put a lack on my back and did a day up up one of my 
> favorite Mountain peaks.
> As a matter fact I have a picture of a canoe hanging in front of my bed so I 
> can see it's the first thing I see when I wake up.
> I miss water skiing, snow skiing, cross country skiing swimming, sailing, 
> swimming, boating, camping, hiking.
> I have more stories if anybody is interested.
> Bobbie 
> Smile Everyday
> On Apr 15, 2015, at 11:43 AM, Danny Hearn <> wrote:
> I hear you all and can relate, Bobbie,Larry and Shirley-- I woke up like you 
> said today Larry.....Oh lord another feeling bad day but gotta get up and 
> make do....It don't help that my wife and only caregiver suffers from awful 
> migraine headaches for days at a time and is now had one again for 2 straight 
> days, wish I could help her at times but I can't.  Yes Bobbie, like you I 
> sometimes think of things we used to do but can't you said, 
> walking into a shower on your own when you want too, walking and feeling the 
> sand on a beach or the cool grass under your bare feet, I used to get in a 
> boat and go to out to far isolated places of beauty on a lake to fish and 
> enjoy nature, used to love long hikes deep into wooded forests....I think of 
> these things at times but then get back into present reality and try to enjoy 
> what simple things in life I still can, I guess we all do.  Dan H*****
> On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 10:21 AM, shirley bell <> wrote:
> same here, sometimes it takes all I have not to scream at people who complain 
> about the stupidest stuff or feel so sad seeing friends and strangers do 
> things I can't. I seems to have gotten worse for me as all these yrs have 
> passed. I thought things got easier??? Oh well, we all seem to struggle with 
> it so at least we are not alone. I TRY everyday to keep positive and look at 
> what I have and not what I don't, which is allot. But it is a challenge. hang 
> in all of us.
> Best,
> Shirley Bell
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Larry Willis
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:04 AM
> Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Showers
> Everyday. Every damn stinking crippled ass day. Soon as my eyes open in the 
> morning. Pardon my French.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gmail <>
> Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Showers
> To:
> I was watching a movie and the actor in the scene woke up, pushed the covers 
> off, sat up, put her feet on the floor, stood up and walked in to the shower 
> right after dropping off her PJ's.
> It took about 1 minute.
> I turned off the TV and tried to remember how that felt ... but I can't.
> I couldn't stop crying.
> I can't tell you how many times I've heard family or friends say
> "I'm going to jump in the shower."
> Or
> "I got home,  I was so dirty I had to jump in the shower."
> I know, I know I should be over feeling like this and it not make me cry 
> after ALL these years.
> So I'm asking;
>    Does anybody else still get "up set" or "bothered" by what I described 
> above?
> Smile Everyday

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