I try to stay positive most of the time, I feel lucky to have 4 grandchildren 
born since my injury. I spend time with them & now watching them grow into 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Gmail" <bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com> 
To: "Joan Anglin" <poaj...@sbcglobal.net> 
Cc: "Danny Hearn" <ddh...@sbcglobal.net>, "shirley bell" <sbell...@cox.net>, 
"Larry Willis" <lwillis82...@gmail.com>, "<quad-list@eskimo.com>" 
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 1:19:33 PM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Showers 

Joan, when my sister and I drove cross country we stayed in Lake Tahoe for few 
days on the north west end, WOW was it extraordinarily beautiful ... we didn't 
want to leave. Bobbie 

Smile Everyday 

On Apr 16, 2015, at 11:54 AM, Joan Anglin < poaj...@sbcglobal.net > wrote: 

Thanks for sharing Bobbie 

I grew up in Reno Nevada, hunting, fishing. We have one of the most beautiful 
lakes in the world nearby, Lake Tahoe and one of the most unique lakes, salt 
water Pyramid lake with its own landlocked flock of pelicans, places where you 
can stand on the pony express trail and imagine what it was like, and mountains 
where as a child I believed no one else had ever seen that particular view. 

When I returned from 10 years in Europe I wanted to return here so that my 
children would have the same opportunity’s. I have never regretted it, although 
I would’ve made much more money working for Purina in St. Louis. J 

I can sit in my backyard and remember what it was like 26 years ago to ride one 
of our horses through the mine tailings on the side of the mountain right above 
me, laughing at my city slicker friends who were very nervous riding a horse on 
an incline so steep that you could reach out and touch the ground on the uphill 
side. Or sliding down the hillside with the horses hind leg tucked under them 
and wondering who was enjoying it more, me or the horses! 



From: Gmail [ mailto:bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com ] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 5:58 PM 
To: Danny Hearn 
Cc: shirley bell; Larry Willis; quad-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Showers 

Dan, I think you can relate to this incredible true story ... and few others of 
you as well. 

I was 16, 1 year before my accident, camping in the adirondack mountains, 
(specifically Saranac Lake) it was 1972. 

I woke up in my sleeping bag snuggled warm inside a half wood half canvas cabin 
with no running water or electricity. It was just bearly starting to get light 
out at 5:35am with my sister's and a friend still sleeping near by. 

I pulled my legs out of the flannel bag and put my bare feet on the sandy 
wooden floor to search for my sneakers. As I tip toed to the screen door, I 
took my time to open it as to not wake anybody so I can have this precious time 
to myself. 

It was just light enough that I needn't light the Lantrens to find my way to 
the lake at the bottom of the sandy trail cut through wild blueberries bushes. 

I finally came upon my destination, an old green wooden canoe that had been 
pulled up upon the shore. I got in as quietly as possible and picked up an oar 
without making a sound. 

My father had taught me how to "Indian paddle" many years ago, a technique that 
was virtually silent. Once the paddle is in the water it never comes out. With 
some clever turns of the oar I had mastered the technique. 

I'm now right where I want to be ... in the middle of the Placid lake with fog 
hanging over the water not yet burned off. I just sat there, then finally I 
start to hear one bird start to waken with a chirp here and there. Then another 
bird returns his call. It's now getting brighter and the fog is starting to 
burn off the calm water. 
I laid back against the back of the canoe and watched my little part of the 
world wake up. 

It was one of the most exhilarating experience I've lived. Many, many times 
when I'm stressed, up set or angry, I can bring myself back to that canoe ride. 

That very same day I put a lack on my back and did a day up up one of my 
favorite Mountain peaks. 

As a matter fact I have a picture of a canoe hanging in front of my bed so I 
can see it's the first thing I see when I wake up. 

I miss water skiing, snow skiing, cross country skiing swimming, sailing, 
swimming, boating, camping, hiking. 

I have more stories if anybody is interested. 


Smile Everyday 

On Apr 15, 2015, at 11:43 AM, Danny Hearn < ddh...@sbcglobal.net > wrote: 


I hear you all and can relate, Bobbie,Larry and Shirley-- I woke up like you 
said today Larry.....Oh lord another feeling bad day but gotta get up and make 
do....It don't help that my wife and only caregiver suffers from awful migraine 
headaches for days at a time and is now had one again for 2 straight days, wish 
I could help her at times but I can't. Yes Bobbie, like you I sometimes think 
of things we used to do but can't now...like you said, walking into a shower on 
your own when you want too, walking and feeling the sand on a beach or the cool 
grass under your bare feet, I used to get in a boat and go to out to far 
isolated places of beauty on a lake to fish and enjoy nature, used to love long 
hikes deep into wooded forests....I think of these things at times but then get 
back into present reality and try to enjoy what simple things in life I still 
can, I guess we all do. Dan H***** 

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 10:21 AM, shirley bell < sbell...@cox.net > wrote: 

same here, sometimes it takes all I have not to scream at people who complain 
about the stupidest stuff or feel so sad seeing friends and strangers do things 
I can't. I seems to have gotten worse for me as all these yrs have passed. I 
thought things got easier??? Oh well, we all seem to struggle with it so at 
least we are not alone. I TRY everyday to keep positive and look at what I have 
and not what I don't, which is allot. But it is a challenge. hang in all of us. 

Shirley Bell 


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Larry Willis 

To: quad-list@eskimo.com 

Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:04 AM 

Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Showers 

Everyday. Every damn stinking crippled ass day. Soon as my eyes open in the 
morning. Pardon my French. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
From: Gmail < bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com > 
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Showers 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com 

I was watching a movie and the actor in the scene woke up, pushed the covers 
off, sat up, put her feet on the floor, stood up and walked in to the shower 
right after dropping off her PJ's. 
It took about 1 minute. 
I turned off the TV and tried to remember how that felt ... but I can't. 
I couldn't stop crying. 
I can't tell you how many times I've heard family or friends say 
"I'm going to jump in the shower." 
"I got home, I was so dirty I had to jump in the shower." 

I know, I know I should be over feeling like this and it not make me cry after 
ALL these years. 
So I'm asking; 
Does anybody else still get "up set" or "bothered" by what I described above? 

Smile Everyday 



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