Today I had my 2001 ford E-150 van dual doors checked out because the first one 
that opens started opening more slowly than usual and slower that the other.
Labor at my conversion company is $110 per hour
On the bill was written;

2.25. Labor.                                                 $220
1 shop supplies.                                          $10

      "Check power - "working slowly" . Open door & disconnect operator 
arms-found hinges of right door had been "drilled" previously for applying 
lube. (Could not swing door easily) 
Apply penetrating lube (PB Blaster) to hinges . Lube lift at all moving 
location-platform pivots, hinges, pins, connecting joints, etc. 
Observed lift oil leaking from rubber plug a of side access plate. 
Remove rubber plug and tap & install threaded  plug. 
Check oil level and add 1 pint of gear oil. Check EZ locks-lube jaws & check 
Glue & ty-wrap passenger EZ-lock dash switch (hanging off bracket) Chech hand 
control & hard wear -ok
Check power park break-ok
Check back-up steering operation, lines hoses, fittings & liquid level
Advise customer of maintenance required on power door hinge-monthly.

Total.                                                        $247.50

It took them 2 1/2 hours to do the work and 1/2 hour to type up bill

To me it seamed like it took a LOT longer then need be. But am greatfull to 
have a van to repair.

Smile Everyday

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