I tried as hard as I could yesterday to get the power handcycle (rio dragonfly) 
adjusted, hooked up and running but failed in my attempt. My manual chair 
(Quickie 2) has leg rests that stick out pretty far and the drive wheels 
plastic mud guard was getting caught on the legrests footplate. I had to abort 
the mission and I got a mini saw and cut the mud guard off. I read the 
directions through again and next time I find a person to assist my chances 
will improve on getting my first drive completed. Its going to work but I want 
it to be right. Once I get it all adjusted I should be able to attach and 
detach myself. So, I will keep you guys informed and take a pic when Im done 
with it attached. 

    On Saturday, April 23, 2016 10:01 PM, Joan Anglin <poaj...@sbcglobal.net> 

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{}#yiv3058961832  It is frustrating to make plans on and then waits and nothing 
happens, but people’s lives are busy too and I’m always grateful when someone 
does take the time to help me, even if it’s their time frame and not mine. Ron, 
I hope you have a good time with the Rio, I will be jealous but hope that you 
can enjoy it soon.  Joan   From: Danny Hearn [mailto:ddh...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 9:37 AM
To: RONALD L PRACHT <r.pra...@sbcglobal.net>; Quad-list Post 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] just another day in quadadise  Glad you got it Ron, you 
are right about trying to not get mad or hold resentments towards people 
because all that does it harms the one holding that stuff inside...On other 
hand though if a person tells you they will come in one of the next 3 days it 
is a shame they can't at least call and let you know about it, could be he just 
forgot or had other things of life come up on him. hope  you get it going soon, 
let us know. Dan H**  On Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:49 PM, RONALD L PRACHT 
<r.pra...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:  Well peeps,    I get my rio dragonfly( 
attachable powered handcycle) from ebay last week and I was happy about 
potential fun I would have with it this spring/summer. This guy I know told me 
he would come and help me get it fitted either tues, wed or thurs of this week. 
in preparation I read the manual , put some of it together, charge battery and 
get it set up to make it easy as possible for when he comes. I wait all week 
and the guy never shows up or even calls me. I told myself that I wasn't going 
to get mad so I rigged the legs of the cycle on jack stands in my room and was 
able to adjust them to the right length by myself. Its all together now and 
adjusted as well as charged. If my mom will just hold the front of the bike, Im 
going to try to attach it tomorrow for the first time. I would have tried that 
myself but the front end has a spring that brings the wheel back to center when 
you turn and that needs adjustment I think. Somehow..........someway Im going 
to get this thing going by hook or by crook. I guess anything you want bad 
enough you can figure out, but it sure is a big deal to do the simplest things 
as a quad.  Ron  


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