So does waste just go in the bag on its own or do you still have to use
suppository? Do they attach the beginning of large intestine/colon or the
end? I also have a problem with hemorrhoids and wonder if this would help
with them too. I am just so tired of having to call someone. Strange thing
is it is always 2 to 3 hours after laying down.




From: greg [] 
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 5:04 PM
To: Nichole Rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems


I know how you feel, the bowel routine was running my life. Scheduled
everything around it, not waning to go out those days incase issues after.
Then worse, I started leaking, just enough to smell. I finely 'bagged it'
and got a colostomy. The only thing wrong was I didn't do it years ago.
Quality of life s soooo much better, but not just for me, but for family and
helper. What use to take 2 hours, now takes 30 seconds. Just pop the bag
off, wipe clean, pop new bag on.  It takes maybe 1 minute when dong a full
change, every 5 days. J`ust unstick the wafer part, wipe clean, stick new
one on.


In 2 or 3 years now, no real issues. A few times it unsnapped, not put on
good enough. And you can hear farts more, not often, or I'm lucky.


Life changing. I heard of people having issues with sores, but I never have.
Only once. I was on strong antibiotics, had diarrhea (liquid). I didn't
change the bag often enough, burned my skin a bit. My fault.


The 2 main supply makers send you free sample anytime you want to try
different types. So you can try until you find a style you like. Send you
nice travel bags to hold your supplies.



> Ugh! So tired of having to call my caregiver or sister at night to

> come and get me up on my shower chair to poop.


> It ranges from every 3 to 2 weeks but last night it had only been

> one week. It is always at night 2 to 3 hours after getting in bed.

> I've tried the magic bullet and it doesn't work any better than the

> suppository I use. I still go when I do bowel program but I don't

> think my bowels are emptying out. Then when I have to call at night

> it is a pot full of loose stool. (I did just start an antibiotic so

> that might have played a role in last night and making it only a

> week in between).



> Any suggestions? I seriously am thinking a colostomy would be

> better but then again, will I still have these blowouts?



> Nicki

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